Tuesday, January 11, 2011

NYC Injury Attorneys Tips On Shoveling

This has been a tough season already and we are only looking at the beginning of winter. Weather.com is predicting another snow storm which will drop more than a foot of snow in the New York City area.

Shoveling the large amount of snow can lead to injuries. Here are some tips on shoveling snow from NYC injury attorneys at Hach & Rose Attorneys At Law:

Stretch before going out to shovel. Treat shoveling like any other workout and warm up.

  • Shovel what is comfortable for you. Shovel small amounts of snow at a time, especially when it is heavy wet snow.
  • Do not bend from your waist. When you dispose of the snow, keep the shovel close to your body and, make sure to squat with your legs. Walk over to where you're going to leave the snow, as opposed to leaning over and throwing it.
  • Make sure not to rotate or twist the body. This can lead to back problems.

Keep these pointers in mind to avoid a NYC injury when shoveling. Sphere: Related Content