According to CBS News Tori Spelling was involved in a car accident on Monday June 13. She claims that paparazzi chased her while she was picking her children up from school. LAPD spokeswoman Officer Rosario told E! News that Tori hit a curb near the school and that no one was hurt. I am glad to hear no one was hurt since Tori is pregnant with her 3rd child and had 2 children in the car at the time of the accident.
Why does paparazzi have to hound people to the point that they panic and feel they to to speed away and risk theirlives in a car accident? It reminds me of Princess Diana and how her car sped away due to the paparazzi. Should there be laws that are changed to keep papparazzin away from stars? Can there be laws against paparazzi or would that be against freedom of speech?
I am glad I am not famous and that someone does not follow me around for a picture. Safety really should come first. If it was New York and Tori was in the accident I would tell her to go to see a New York auto accident lawyer at the law firm of Rich & Rich.
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