Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New York Malpractice Caused By Surgical Equipment

According to wikipedia in the United States medical errors are estimated to result in 44,000 to 200,000 preventable deaths in hospital settings and 100,000 excess injuries each year.

When surgical equipment causes injury or death

Unfortunately, the standards that patients should have the right to reasonably expect are not always met in practice. Doctors do make mistakes by selecting the wrong implants, misusing equipment, puncturing organs with instruments too sharp to be used in a type of surgery, or leaving surgical sponges inside the patient after the operation.

The result can be injury or death during the surgery or from complications caused by the surgical instruments or implanted devices. If the device is defective and fails, the patient suffers or even dies because the surgery fails to solve the medical problem, with an outcome that may even be potentially life threatening.

Obtain proper representation

Obtaining a New York malpractice lawyer who is experienced in personal injuries is critical to a successful case. Most medical malpractice attorneys offer free consultation which allows you to pick the best lawyer to defend you. Sphere: Related Content