Friday, February 4, 2011

Georgia medical malpractice lawyers discuss healthcare mistakes

Just about everyone experiences doubt about the competence of doctors after a loved one has suffered or died while in treatment. It is important to remember that not all bad outcomes result from medical malpractice. However, if you believe a case exists, the best way to confirm that belief is by consulting with an experienced lawyer. A medical malpractice attorney in Georgia from Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. can discover if the two components of a valid medical malpractice claim exist in your case:

Failure to meet the applicable standard of care—medical professionals are expected to provide a certain level of care depending on the patient's condition.
The existence of a direct link between the medical treatment given (or not given) and the resulting injury or death must also be proven.

Proving standard care was not met and a direct link therefore exists between treatment and outcome is very difficult. Georgia medical malpractice lawyers at the law firm of Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. who work with medical experts, investigators, and others are experienced in doing just that. Sphere: Related Content