Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Common Causes of Virginia Auto Accidents

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for people aged five to thirty-four in the United States. Car accidents, and the injuries that result, can change your life forever.

Factors in Virginia auto accidents

Aggressive driving: As traffic volumes increase, so does agitation with traffic delays and perceived driving slights. While road rage is considered a criminal offense, the Virginia legislature has defined aggressive driving as operating a motor vehicle with intent to harass, obstruct, or injure another party through failure to comply with safe driving regulations. Loss of temper on the road can easily lead to loss of life. A skilled car accident lawyer can help you gain justice and fair compensation, if you or someone you love suffers injury through the negligent actions of an aggressive driver.

Weather: Inclement weather can quickly turn a routine trip to work, school, or the store dangerous. Road surfaces affected by rain, ice, and snow are responsible for serious accidents throughout areas like Prince William County. In a storm, both road traction and visibility decrease, increasing the likelihood of serious automobile accident for even the safest drivers.

Distracted driving: Driving while distracted by a telephone conversation, texting, or even changing the station on the radio can cause devastating—and sometimes fatal—accidents. The operation of a motor vehicle involves hand, eye, body, and mental coordination. Loss of attention can quickly cause a car accident. According to a study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, 80 percent of collisions involve an episode of distracted driving within three seconds prior to impact. Driver inattention is a leading cause of car accident and injury in our state according to the Virginia non-profit group DRIVE SMART.

Prince County auto accident lawyer Kevin Childers always recommending being aware while driving.

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