Thursday, August 18, 2011

Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment & Rehabilitation

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Treatment & Rehabilitation

Treatment for a catastrophic head injury begins with emergency care at the scene of the accident. Once vital functions such as breathing, pulse, and blood pressure have been stabilized, initial tests will be performed, such as x-rays and CT scans, to determine the full extent of the injury to the brain. The patient will then typically receive intensive care or surgery designed to repair damage and minimize the likelihood of further harm occurring. Neurologic and physical therapy will likely follow, not only to stimulate nerve and brain function, but also to keep the body from deteriorating due to prolonged inactivity during treatment.

The goal of rehabilitation is to restore as much function as possible. For a victim suffering from a traumatic brain injury, this will generally include recovering motor and cognitive function, as well as learning new ways to perform daily tasks. Rehabilitation will likely be overseen by a physiatrist specializing in rehab, diagnosis, and treatment of pain related to TBI. Most often, the TBI victim will then receive extensive physical and occupational therapy, in addition to psychological and speech therapy.

A study by the National Institutes of Health found that 85% of brain injury patients do not receive any treatment or counseling concerning the long term difficulties caused by brain injury. Living with a brain injury can change your life. If you have been injured in an accident due to negligence that resulted in TBI then finding an experienced Seattle brain injury lawyer is important. Rehabilitation is expensive and time consuming and it is important to ensure you have proper care for the rest of your life.

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